Saturday, November 8, 2008


Well we have finally completed "our side" of the home study, we'll be mailing in our "With Eyes Wide Open" workbook on Monday (YAHOO!!!) and we finally got an email back from the USAF stating that Evan has no record of anything at all from his time in England. This is both what we expected and needed to hear to pass on to our agency! Now we are waiting for a copy of the completed Home Study review to be forwarded to us (hopefully this coming week), we proof read it, send it back and then they send us an official copy. Once we have that little goody in our hot hands, we send it to CIS (immigration) in Portland and wait for them to tell us when they can fingerprint us and then approve us for the adoption. We have all of the rest of our paperwork ready to send to Ethiopia, once we have the CIS approval we'll send it in and be on the wait list!!! So please keep praying these last few steps will go quickly and efficiently and we'll be on the wait list by the end of the month! All the time God is good, God is good all the time!!! Love you all!
ps- Evan starts his new job at Newberg on Monday, woohoo!!!

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